May 8, 2010

A disease called Radicalla

Radicalla is a new term which has been coined by me for describing a spiritual disease.It is a diease which can prove fatal and cause disaster like an epidemic.A person suffering from this disease is called a radical.Radicalla can occur to any person of any religion including atheistism and agnosticism.
Symptoms-A person refuses to see God in all.He becomes spiritually myopic or blind to his shortcomings.He is intolerant towards the views of others.He is quick to react,violent at the slightest pretext and loves to live in the past.He glorifies violence.He never stands for the truth.He stands only for himself or his clan however wrong they may be.He is sans reason.He is not in tune with the occassions and times.He messes up the past and the present.
Risks-A person suffering from radicalla is as dangerous as an atom bomb.He cuts the branch on which he is seated.He sinks the boat in which he sails.He actively but unknowingly engineers the destruction of his own brothers.After having done the damage he does not own his deeds.He smirks,grins and blames others.
Precautions-A person suffering from radicalla must earn an honest living,always speak the truth.He should try to get good education.Society must keep itself away from a person suffering from radicalla as it is contagious.Society ought to show sympathy to the diseased and provide them a diet of truth,love and knowledge.In no case should it make him a leader.May God save the mankind from Radicalla.